The Newby Trust (the “Trust”) makes grants to registered charities under the general categories of education, environment, health and social welfare. The trustees and members of the Trust are all descendants, or spouses of descendants, of H.N. Smith, the industrialist who developed Smith & Nephew plc. The Trust is a company limited by guarantee and uses the income from its endowment for the purposes of its grant-making. In recent years, total grants made each year have been in the region of £450,000. The Trust holds an AGM once a year and the trustees meet to consider grant applications at least twice a year. The Trust has one part-time company secretary who manages the grant-making process. The Trust’s overheads are kept to a minimum so that almost all of its income can be directed to charitable purposes.
Under its Education category (Excellence), the Trust makes regular grants to the Edward Barnsley Educational Trust towards a bursary for an apprentice furniture maker.